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Sharing Code in the Open

Date: September 2021

Post author: Jonny Pearson - Lead Data Scientist, NHSX


Summarising a range of advice and recommendations alongside evidence of the mandate for sharing code in the open. Aim is to support other NHS teams looking to share openly through a list of things to consider and references.


A whole range of excellent Government Digital Services (GDS) blogs and published materials:


Increased appropriate sharing of code across NHS analysts and developers would have huge benefits such as:

  • Spreading expertise and success
  • Decreases wasted time on solving problems that has already solutions elsewhere
  • Creates consistency and allows for comparison of work
  • Enforces a transparent way of working increasing quality and assurance
  • Showcases insightful ways of working to inspire others
  • Increases the ability to collaborate
  • Distributed workloads for larger development pieces and ability to get external test and assurance

Mandate for making code open

Public services are built with public money. So unless there’s a good reason not to, the code they’re based on should be made available for other people to reuse and build on. Open source code can be reused by developers working in government, avoiding duplication of work and reducing costs for the government as a whole. And publishing source code under an open licence means that you’re less likely to get locked in to working with a single supplier.

The 12th service standard set out in the government service manual states that service teams should:

  • Write code in the open from the start, and publish it in an open repository - minus any sensitive information, like secret keys and credentials;
  • Keep ownership of the intellectual property of new source code that’s created as part of the service, and make it available for reuse under an open licence.


  • Making code open and reusable was added as point 12 of the NHS service standard too.

  • Point 3 of the Technology code of Practice requires equal consideration to be given to open source solutions when procuring software and states that your plans must show you’ve considered using open source and publishing your code openly.

The Open Data Charter was signed by G8 leaders on 18 June 2013. This sets out 5 strategic principles that all G8 members will act on. These include an expectation that all government data will be published openly by default, alongside principles to increase the quality, quantity and re-use of the data that is released. G8 members have also identified health as one of the 14 high-value areas from which they will release data. Their stated aim is to unlock the economic potential of open data, support innovation and provide greater accountability.

Checks and best practice

When sharing code there are a variety of potential issues to avoid and thus a code sharing way of working is useful to ensure the sharing is appropriate and useful. These issues include:

  • Accidental leakage of data, secrets or intellectual property.
  • Ownership and use
  • Dependencies and versioning
    • The tools and connected library versions of the developed code will likely be different from that being implemented by the end-user.
  • Freshness
    • The code will very quickly become out of date regarding library versions and possibly data connections (i.e. API endpoints changing) and thus ideally a shared code repo requires some regular maintenance and updating.
    • Alternatively, if the code isn’t to be constantly maintained then clear documentation is required to describe the locked down versions required.
  • Git Branch Stability
    • If developing code in a live environment then a branching strategy (such as feature or release branching) may need to be considered in order to avoid multiple developers creating conflicting branches simultaneously.
    • Alongside this a clear way of working for reviewing the code and pull requests is needed.

To address these issues and setup a best practice way of working for code sharing, consider implementing:

Sensitive content checks

  • Sensitive, personal, secret or top secret data/information: If so, you’ll need to consider not publishing or removing these elements and then clearing the git history (see below)
  • Keys and credentials: You must keep code that uses secrets away from the secrets themselves. This includes storing secret keys and credentials separately (e.g. a secret management system or secure config file). You can then open the code while keeping the secrets closed and secure.
  • Unreleased policy: If the code makes clear details of a policy that has not yet been announced, you should keep the code closed until the policy is announced.
  • Git History content and commit messages:
    • If keys or credentials were included previously and thus are contained within the git history, then just removing them will not solve the issue. In this case all keys and credentials should be rotated/renewed so that those being published are no longer valid. This needs to be documented clearly.
    • If your team feels that the commit history is not suitable for publication, there is an alternative. After reviewing the code to make sure it’s safe to open, you can either rewrite history to remove or improve some commits, or squash all previous commits into one. This approach loses a lot of value from the git history and so is only recommended when absolutely required.
    • One final less recommended option is to create a new repo and move the latest secure version of the code to this. This is not recommended as it not only loses the git history value but also can be time-consuming and can end up with dual runs of the code.
  • Has written permission been obtained for any data stored from the data owner?
  • Are any data transfers conducted safely and securely? See Implementing the Cloud Security Principles - NCSC.GOV.UK to read about checking adherence of third party tools.
  • Have any notebook outputs been removed/checked for sensitive information?

Coding in the open

  • Some projects are developed in private and then made open for the sake of sharing, whilst others are developed in the open from the start.
  • These projects need the developer to stick to the best practice and follow a more structured approach to programming but come with the benefits of increased scrutiny and collaboration through other interested parties contributing with code, ideas, or bug reports.


  • Add Readme (Example) and contributing guides to all repositories to help everyone understand the basic usage and set way of working. Consider including in the README:
    • Overview of the required software/package/library versions and how to get them.
    • Notes on upgrading the environment and dependencies
    • Description of major packages and techniques used
    • Description of each file, including working files, log files, configs.
    • Be clear about who is responsible for maintaining the code and how often this occurs (including if this isn’t actively maintained)
  • Add a License and appropriate copyright:
    • Consider using MIT for code and OGLv3 or GPLv3 for documentation as default. However, other open licenses may be more appropriate for the individual case.
    • Note: when setting up a new github repo with an MIT license it will automatically insert the github username against the © - you’ll often want to change this.
  • Contributions guidelines:
  • requirements.txt file:
    • This can be used, along with components such as, to quickly facilitate the installations of specific dependencies and package versions.
    • This increases the portability of the developed code and provides a source of information for security evaluations.

Version control

  • Even if you think you’ll be the only person to ever use the code or that it will remain static, still use a versioning system either locally or through a repo hosting service.
  • Consider Semantic Versioning - Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the: - MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, - MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and - PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
  • Clear branching and review guidance
    • This facilitates good code review practices
      • Better quality code
      • Better oversight for security issues
    • Can also assist with reduction in duplication of effort
  • Regular commits whilst developing
    • Strive for good commit notes which explain the change independent of the context the developer has at the time. See Maintaining version control in coding - Service Manual
    • Best practice is to include what the change is, and why it was necessary in the subject line with how the change has resolved the issue in the body of the commit message if needed.
    • This assists in attributing the code to a developer (Git Blame) and can help in tracing and code review processes.

Publish bug reports and resolutions (where appropriate)

  • Including bug report and issue tracking will assist others in establishing if the tool is suitable for their use case.
  • It will also assist others in identification and correction of any known bugs or issues.

Document your code

  • Including creation dates, script summaries and input/output descriptions at the start of a code is incredibly useful for context.
  • Additionally, in-line comments should be used to describe any chunks imported from elsewhere, any business decisions (e.g. why values less than 7 have been suppressed), and to support a reader in understanding the logic flow of the code.

Create clean code

  • The use of modules and separate code chunks is encouraged as this will often make the code more efficient by reusing the same chunks, but also allows easier debugging through unit testing.
  • The use of code formatters such as Black/PEP8, are also encouraged to create consistent readable code.
  • Consider the use of Linting tools (such as flake8) to complement Black

A security policy

Peer Review

  • Have a colleague review your code, content and re-useability
  • Have a clear pull release process in place

In summary, from the off, always think about how you would hand the code over at any moment, to a colleague with similar data access and technical ability as yourself.