Thursday 08 December 2022
What we did this Week:
Friday 02 December 2022 to Thursday 08 December 2022
- Provide examples of ISN for each CQC service type
- Content handover
- Create updated documentation on installing CKAN from source
- EKS Default pod policy ClusterRoleBinding
- Merge and refine user needs boards
What we’re doing next week:
Friday 09 December 2022 to Thursday 15 December 2022
- URGENT SPIKE: Investigate tag management and look into whether topics can be edited by content maintainer
- LEARN: how to modify ckan schemas [Large]
- Analyse Research On Community/Social
- Add new field labels and hint text
- Change drop-downs to radio buttons and reorder options A to Z
- Revise content Style Guide ahead of handover
- Design handover
- STAN-1005
Create documentation on how to generate and link a CKAN plugin
- Manual review: check if new API Catalogue standards have been published
- Review data and metadata for current standards in the Directory
- Recruit users for ‘understanding if a standard is applicable’ research
- Research on how to allow providers to understand applicability
- LEARN: Page design / API calls from CKAN to site [Large]
- LEARN: How to deploy using kubernetes
- LEARN: How to deploy a code change to an environment [Large]
- Research on metadata used on other standards websites
- Collate insights on statuses for API Catalogue
- Signposting - part 1: set up meetings with stakeholders to facilitate signposting conversations
- Content changes: Standard listings
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