Thursday 03 November 2022
What we did this Week:
Friday 28 October 2022 to Thursday 03 November 2022
- Add NHS England as an organisation on CKAN
- Create product vision artefact
- EKS Cluster Logging
- K8 Unrestricted Cluster Network
- Analyse Ckan Research
- BUG: Meta description html incorrect
- Initiate Directory Metadata review group
- Run CKAN Research 3/5
- Update ckan scheming readme
- Find G-drive replacement for team to work collaboratively
- Document current metadata workflow to request and add new metadata to the directory
- Feedback on page solution
- Public Beta: Review user research for tags we should add to standards
- SPIKE: Public beta: Explore if we can link to dependencies and related standards
What we’re doing next week:
Friday 04 November 2022 to Thursday 10 November 2022
- Recruit users for ‘Social/Community Research. 4/15
- Unauthenticated Redis Access
- Add broader automated checks for Accessibility (A11y)
- Review data and metadata for current standards in the Directory
- Create a Standards Directory design system
- Create redirect from to data.standards
- Review and update designs for feedback on a page
- AA level issue: Status message (retest)
- A level issue: Pagination (retest)
- A level issue: Ungrouped content - issue has changed (retest)
- Research on metadata used on other standards websites
- Merge and refine user needs boards
- Notifications - Move research notes from files to the miro board
- Signposting - part 1: set up meetings with stakeholders to facilitate signposting conversations
- Create a document that explains how to collect key metrics in google analytics
- Set up Reports in Analytics
- Clear all filters
- Content changes: Current standards page
- Build a status filter
- Pre-launch AA level issue: Reflow
- Edit standard summaries/descriptions for clarity and consistency
We focused on the following goals last week
- GOAL: Improve the metadata review group [Started]
- GOAL: Put Future standards live [Done]
We will be focussing on the following goals this week
- GOAL: Decide approach on applicability
Live site