25th August 2022
What we did this Week:
Friday 19th August to Thursday 25th August 2022
- Pre-launch: Secure new URL
- Remove piwik analytics from site
- Team view - how to refine the metadata map
- Pre-launch: Update text in BETA banner on homepage
- Pre-launch: redesign content in beta banner to explain data maybe incorrect
- Pre-launch: Explore if we can replicate the NHS.UK cookie banner
- Change long service name and tagline in test and dev
- Demo on CKAN to roadmap team
- Pre-launch: Document design as part of the handover process
- Plan design workshop to create visuals that help support the directory
- Visual supplement to the meta data cleanse activities
- Pre-launch: research and confirm final URL
- Update Standards Directory service maintenance slide deck
- Pre-launch: migrate analytics from Piwik to Google Analytics and microsoft clarity
- Content changes: Search results
- Standardise metadata structure: dependencies and related standards
- Public Beta: Standardise metadata structure and best practice for each listing
- Pre-launch: prepare service handover documentation
What we’re doing next week:
Friday 26th to Thursday 1st September 2022
- BUG: changes to ‘published’ or ‘mandated’ status not updating on CKAN
- Make data.standards.nhs.uk publicly available
- Pre-launch: approval from the “Cross health and care assurance” team
- Explore Feedback patterns NHS or gov.uk
- PEN Test: Medium Issues
- PEN Test: High Issue
- Pre-launch: Install Google tag in Dev and Test
- Pre-launch: Tweaks to the roadmap build
- Plan next round of research
- Pre-launch: Have page title match breadcrumbs and URL
- Put together initial list of invitees for the metadata review group
- Pre-launch: review that we have correct fields for all nationally mandated standards
- BUG: next page of results not working
- Build error message page designs
- Pre-launch AA level issue: Reflow
- Content changes following prototype testing
We achieved the following goals this week:
- GOAL: Obtain a confirmed URL for the service
- GOAL: Update the design of the previous roadmap iteration in the build
We will be focusing on the following goals this week:
- GOAL: Set up analytics, data flowing into dev account for Google analtyics
- GOAL: Complete all the issues arising from accessibility assessment and complete the accessibility statement
Working software