30th June 2022
What we did this Week:
Friday 23rd June to Thursday 30rd June 2022
- Accessibility issue: Language attribute
- Accessibility issue: A Page title
- Guidance/content workshop with NHSX
- Finalise accessibility statement
- Finalise privacy policy
- Finalise ‘About this Service’ page
- Internal KPI workshop
- Prepare for design crit
- Check in with accessiblity recruitment
- Move diary study notes to a miro board
- Update CKAN schema to include new roadmap fields
- Finalise long service name, tagline, url and wording for standard types
- Design and build footer in the main service
- Design the site map for the directory
What we’re doing next week:
Friday 1st July to Thursday 8th July 2022
- Design revised status filter
- Add grafana to kubernetes and then have a central point for review
- Do a data migration from test to dev
- Do a deploy to test
- Complete DPIA (Data protection impact assessment)
- Share learnings and contribute back to the NHS design system
- Create guidance to help DSAS write a good description of a draft standard
- Backlog workshop with stakeholders
- Update User Needs Trello board
- Carry out a design crit at NHS design huddle 30th June
- Review final content and design changes - group session
- Recruit 4/6 Users for Next Round of research week commencing 13th June
- Check mobile view layout for directory
- Use Amazon secret store
- Review workflow for taking records from one CKAN instance to another
- Internal monitoring dashboard - Setup cloudwatch dashboard for service
- Fix accessibility issues based on audit report
We will be focusing on the following goals this week:
- GOAL: Set up a monitoring dashboard
- GOAL: Update the content and design of the previous roadmap iteration in the build
Working software