19th May 2022
Things to bear in mind
Our main priority after this round of research will be Accessibility, here’s the timeline:
- w/c 16 May - internal accessibility review started (automated tests, etc)
- w/c 23 May - start addressing some of the issues raised
- w/c 3 June - stabilise final designs, including new Roadmap page (if we receive content in time) and fix as many issues as possible before external audit
- 14-15 June - external agency conducts accessibility audit, they will produce a report with more issues that automated testing can’t pick up
- w/c 15 June - 1 July - fix any remaining issues raised by external agency and publish a draft Accessibility Statement
- w/c 27th June - research with users with accessibility needs (subject to recruitment)
- w/c 6 July - re-submit the site for external accessibility audit and update the statement based on results
- 14 July - Beta assessment
What we did this Week:
Friday 13th May to Thursday 19th May 2022
- Numerous fixes to the prototype ready for the next round of research
- Start thinking dates for user research accessibility testing - flag possibility of using recruiting
- Write Research plan for next round of research
- Write Discussion guide for Next round of Research
- Deployments to dev are failing
- Knowledge share with other NHS services
- Lay out community pages
- Work out focus for next round of usability testing 18th May
- Capture analytics required for diary study (domain, test)
- Workshop to refine roadmap template
- Iterate guidance to the prototype (live code base) after Seb/Tom’s review
- standards.nhs.uk certificate is invalid
- Review NEW details about tech requirements for next Assessment
- Internal accessibility review ahead of audit to fix knowns issues
- Set up feedback banner (footer) with short form survey
What we’re doing next week:
- Plan next round of research
- Set dates for next rounds of research
- Browse/search directory: Change date format for ‘Last updated’ component
- Review workflow for taking records from one CKAN instance to another
- Set up analytics for test (refinements)
- Design / content updates to live code base
- CKAN: allow the passing of metadata_modified to package_update
- Changes to filter designs
- Take prod down
- Accessibility: update focus state of Search button and feedback link, not enough colour contrast
- Search: explore weighted search options to surface more metadata
- Standardise metadata structure and best practice for each listing
- Standard listing page: what are next steps if a standard is deprecated or retired?
- Configure analytics on new domains
- Bring schema file into main standards directory repo
- Recruit Users for diary study for private beta 15/20
- Move deployments into Terraform
Friday 20th May to Thursday 26th May 2022
We met these goals this week:
- GOAL: Get the prototype ready for next round of research
We set these goals for the following week
- GOAL: Explore deprecated and retired standards - come up with suggested changes
- GOAL: Set up analytics on the test domain with a dashboard
Working software