14th April 2022
What we did this Week:
Friday 8th April to Thursday 14th April 2022
- Update ingress map, point to various CKAN services
- Ensure a working dev environment on new domain
- [browse] remove status filter
- [listing] add details about Type “what this Type means”
- [listing] add tag to Type
- [listing] remove tag from status (just a word instead)
- [browse] swap the index listing tag from “Status” to “Type” (get colour coding from Karwai)
- [browse] add nationally mandated tickbox, schema update, migration
- [browse] add sort by component: latest / alphabetical
- [browse] move search bar under explanatory paragraph
- [browse] filters: open/close all links
- [browse] reorder filters: care setting, topic, type
- [browse page] Change business use to “Topic”
- [homepage] darker grey dividers in sections outside of browse
- [homepage] horizontal rules between sections
- [homepage] Decrease Space between Browse and blue bit
- [homepage] Smaller font size RHS homepage
- Get approval for external accessibility supplier
- [Prototype] Update filters (as per screenshot)
- Write Research Plan for round of research 8th-15th of April
- Write Discussion guide for round of research 8th-15th of April
- Update long name of the directory on the live build
- [Prototype] discuss community as a point for resources (bring to top of backlog)
- [Prototype] add new guidance to guidance pages once Seb/Tom has reviewed
- [Prototype] clarify what to do next if standard in listing is deprecated/retired (near documentation link?) (long term)
- [Prototype] include link to view all standard types in standard listing (long term)
- [Prototype] include all status descriptions in standard listing
- [Prototype] include key of different roadmap statuses on prototype (once statuses agreed by DSAS and NHSx)
- Set up roadmap template which is monitored by content editor before 15 April
- [Prototype] provide guidance when no results are shown in search/browse
- [Prototype] Explain what ‘nationally mandated’ means in ‘About this service’
- [Prototype] Add ‘Sort by… newest first’ or similar
- [Prototype] Clarify what filtered results are being displayed (AND/OR)
- [Prototype] explore guidance explaining standards lifecycle
- [Prototype] explore where guidance/resources on creating standards could go
- [Prototype] consider captions to minimise confusion between new vs upcoming standards
- [Prototype] consider alternatives to ‘Roadmap’
- [Prototype] update long name
- Document how to prototype using the live code base
- Conduct prototyping in the prototyping environment
- Write recruitment blurb for private beta and post on sites identified as places to signpost directory from
- Write Research Plan for Round of research commencing 8th April
What we’re doing next week:
Friday 15th April to Thursday 21st April 2022
- [Accessibility] update focus state of Search button and feedback link, not enough colour contrast
- [Importer] Owner: importer makes all standards appear as NHD Digital instead of some as PRSB
- [Importer] Last updated: importer updates all datasets. Last updated should reflect manual updates only
- Updates needed following revision
- Ensure test environment on new domain
- standards.nhs.uk certificate is invalid
- Tasks that allow us to move to nhs.uk domain
- Agree questions for onsite feedback survey
- Present standards directory work at the NHS design huddle
- Bring schema file into main standards directory repo
- Publish exporter as serverless function
- Write legal pages (cookie policy and privacy page)
- Review the guidance in the prototype
- Add an “export to CSV” button to CKAN
- Map all possible user journeys through the service (including returning users)
- Recruit Users for diary study for private beta 4/50
- Provide a reliable way to export CKAN records to csv
We met these goals this week:
- GOAL: Complete template for roadmap content
- GOAL: Complete prototyping subtasks
- GOAL: Start prototype in the prototyping environment
- GOAL: Conduct 6 user research sessions with prototype version 7
- GOAL: Set up a prototype in the prototype environment
We set these goals for this week:
- GOAL: Publish CSV exporter as a serverless function
- GOAL: Complete 8 user research sessions on the live code base
Working software