# Azure Platform Overview ## Data Engineering Repositories We have a series of repositories for our work that we have listed below. We have adopted the naming convention of starting each repo with `au-` for the Analytics Unit. Where some repos have a similar purpose we name them similarly, (e.g. `au-azure-*` for azure related code). We also try to implement a naming convention so that users can infer a basic understanding of what a given thing does from its name. ### Our Core Repositories | Name | Website | Description | Status | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------- | | [nhsx/au-data-engineering](https://github.com/nhsx/nhsx-data-engineering) | [[Link](https://nhsx.github.io/au-data-engineering/)] | NHSX Data Engineering Documentation | Open | | [nhsx/au-azure-data-factory](https://github.com/nhsx/au-azure-data-factory) | [[Link](https://github.com/nhsx/au-azure-data-factory)] | Azure Data Factory Code | Private | | [nhsx/au-azure-databricks](https://github.com/nhsx/au-azure-databricks) | [[Link](https://github.com/nhsx/au-azure-databricks)] | Azure Databricks Code | Open | | [nhsx/au-tableau-analytics](https://github.com/nhsx/au-tableau-analytics) | [[Link](https://github.com/nhsx/au-tableau-analytics)] | Tableau Analytics Workbooks | Open | ### Our Product Repositories | Name | Website | Description | Status | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------ | | [nhsx/nhs-app-analytics-dashboard](https://github.com/nhsx/nhs-app-analytics-dashboard) | [[Link](https://digital.nhs.uk/services/nhs-app/nhs-app-dashboard)] | The NHS App dashboard enables you to see how many patients are using the NHS App across England, and which features they are using | Open | | [nhsx/digital-health-insights](nhsx/digital-health-insights) | [[Link](https://nhsx.github.io/digital-health-insights/)] | Analytical insights on the digital transformation of the NHS | Open | | [nhsx/open-health-statistics](https://github.com/nhsx/digital-health-insights) | [[Link](https://nhsx.github.io/open-health-statistics/)] | Collecting statistics on open source NHS and healthcare related code repositories | Open | | [nhsx/open-analytics-template](https://github.com/nhsx/open-analytics-template) | [[Link](https://nhsx.github.io/open-analytics-template/)] | NHS.UK themed template for open analytics projects | Open |